Vaping Prevention
We portrayed vaping as a friend that is constantly causing trouble for you. Flipping the perception of vaping as harmless on its head and relate these harms through a term that youths could immediately relate to: a toxic friend. Personifying the vape opened the door to storytelling that depicted vaping and its consequences to the various problematic situations a toxic friend would put you in.
Health Promotion Board
Publicis Singapore
Art Director
Gong Awards
Bronze — Film (Online)
Bronze — Script Craft
Markies Awards
Silver — [Most Creative] Government Sector / Non-Profit Marketing
The Film
Despite vapes being illegal in Singapore, vaping has gained popularity among youths so much so that it has become an inseparable companion. So in getting youths to reevaluate their relationships with vapes, we liken the habit of vaping to a toxic friendship through a therapy session where a young man opens up about his relationship with a noxious friend.

Immersive Wallscape
We transport people into our KV by turning MRT walkway into a back alley. The soundscape and lighting of the back alley further enhances the immersive experience.

And boy did we get people talking…